Committees & Topics

Please visit our Delegate Preparation page for details regarding position papers, rules of procedure, and other helpful resources.

Position Papers should be submitted via our online form:

General Assembly Plenary (GA) - Recommended for novice and intermediate delegates.

1. Protecting and Ensuring the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

2. Sustainable Agricultural Development, Food Security, and Nutrition

Note: Additionally, the General Assembly will simulate Security Council Elections. The elections of the Security Council non-permanent members are not a topic, but rather a process that will be simulated in the General Assembly. Therefore, it should not be addressed within GA position papers. This process will take place during the committee sessions on Sunday, November 24. Please read the Explanatory Note for more details.

[ General Assembly Plenary Background Guide (PDF) ]

[ General Assembly Explanatory Note (PDF) ]

International Labour Organization - International Labour Conference (ILO) - Recommended for novice, intermediate, and experienced delegates.

1. Greening With Jobs

2. Protecting and Ensuring the Economic and Social Rights of Migrant Domestic Workers

[ International Labour Organization Background Guide (PDF) ]

Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) - Recommended for novice and intermediate delegates.

1. Science and Technology for Development

2. Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Rural Women and Girls

[ Economic and Social Council Background Guide (PDF) ]

Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) - Recommended for intermediate delegates.

1. Advancing Crime Prevention, Criminal Justice, and the Rule of Law: Toward the Achievement of the 2030 Agenda

2. Strengthening Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Responses to Violence Against Women

[ Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Background Guide (PDF) ]

Security Council (SC) and Reformed Security Council (RSC) - For experienced delegates only.

1. The Situation in South Sudan

2. The Situation in Venezuela

3. Maintenance of International Peace and Security: Small Arms and Light Weapons

Note: Please note that the Security Council and Reformed Security Council will be using identical topics. Additionally, the Secretariat reserves the right to add additional suggested topics, with their own background materials, should they feel an issue requires the attention of the Security Council (and Reformed Security Council).

[ Security Council Background Guide (PDF) ]

[ Reformed Security Council Background Guide (PDF) ]

[ Security Council and Reformed Security Council Explanatory Note (PDF) ]

UN Conference on the Global Pact for the Environment (GPE) - Recommended for intermediate and experienced delegates.

1. Principles

2. Environmental Rights

3. Duty To Take Care of the Environment

Note: These are not "topics" like in other committees at NWMUN-Seattle, but are rather the sections of the final document that the Conference negotiations will produce.

Please read the Explanatory Note as well as the Background Guide for more details.

[ UN Conference on the Global Pact for the Environment Background Guide (PDF) ]

[ UN Conference on the Global Pact for the Environment Explanatory Note (PDF) ]